
Recreational Soccer Leagues

The Recreation & Pre-Academy program is where it all begins at Sporting Kaw Valley. Our programming begins at 3 years old with the Sporting Stripes - Level 1. Players ages 4 & 5 but not yet in kindergarten play in the Sporting Stripes - Level 2 program.

Our players in grade school (kindergarten through 4th grade) can participate in the Coed or Girls Recreation programs, or in the Pre-Academy program, depending on your location, or they can participate in the Academy program, our intermediate level of soccer.

In general, the Recreation and Pre-Academy programs are focused on fun, learning the game, and playing with and making new friends. 

Sporting Kaw Valley offers services in Lawrence, Topeka, and Manhattan. Our programming differs based on each location, so please take click the button below that works best for your location to see the lineup of soccer programs available in that area.

Recreational Soccer for Boys & Girls, Pre-K through 4th Grade

About SKV Recreation & Pre-Academy Soccer

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